We’re Loving Vintage Doily Bunting…

For us Wedding Belles, vintage = LOVE, doiles = LOVE, and bunting = LOVE. So when we came across this image of amazing vintage doily bunting… well, there’s no other words to describe it other than we must be in TWB heaven! Thanks to Bunting Boutique for the images.

Perfect Pastels

Thanks to Postcards & Pretties for sharing this beautiful Californian DIY vintage wedding. We’re loving the soft colour palette, charming setting and nostalgic touches. Oh and not forgetting the bride’s stunning fresh flower hair piece. Enjoy… Images courtesy of Teale Photography.

Five of Our Favourite… Winter Warmers

Groundhog day. We all know the story. If Punxsutawney Phil spots his shadow, we’re in for 6 more weeks of winter. Well, we haven’t really had much of a winter, or any snow (yet!) here in London, and only Phil knows what is round the corner. So if he does retreat back into his hole … Continue reading